ECO Scheduler Notes
these will need to become the gleanerio scheduler documentation. for now these are rough. Images and graphics need to be loaded
flowchart TB
Postgres_Container-- defined by --> compose_project
Dagit_UI_Container-- defined by --> compose_project
Dagster_Container -- defined by --> compose_project
volume_Containers -- defined external --> compose_project
networks -- defined external --> compose_project
compose_project -- deployed to --> docker_portainer
compose_project_ingest -- deployed to --> docker_portainer
Gleaner_container -- image fetched by dagster --> docker_portainer
Nabu_container -- image fetched by dagster --> docker_portainer
Gleaner_container -- deployed by --> Dagster_Container
Nabu_container -- deployed by --> Dagster_Container
Gleaner_container-- deployed to --> docker_portainer
Nabu_container-- deployed to --> docker_portainer
Dagit_UI_Container -- Created by --> Github_action
Dagster_workspace_container -- Created by --> Github_action
workspace.yaml -- Stored in docker config --> docker_portainer
NabuConfig.yaml -- Stored in s3 /scheduler/configs/CONFIG --> s3
GleanerConfig.yaml -- Stored in s3 /scheduler/configs/CONFIG --> s3
tenant.yaml -- Stored in s3 /scheduler/configs/CONFIG --> s3
configs_volume_Container -- populates volume --> dagster-project
dagster-project -- has --> gleanerConfig.yaml
dagster-project -- has --> nabuConfig.yaml
dagster-project -- has --> nabuConfig.yaml
Deploy Dagster in Portainer
You will need to deploy dagster containers to portainer, for a docker swarm 0. get the portainer url, and auth token 0. SSH to the make hosting the docker.
- Pull scheduler repo
- cd dagster/implnets/deployment
- create a copy of envFile.env and edit env variables
- as noted as noted in (Compose, Environment and Docker API Assets), deploy the configuration to s3.
- ~~create network and volumes needed
~~ - modify workflows to reference project ingest containers. MANUALLY CHANGE THE PROJECT TO THE PROJECT,
load_from: # module starting out with the definitions api # - python_module: "workflows.tasks.tasks" - grpc_server: host: dagster-code-PROJECT-tasks port: 4000 location_name: "PROJECT-tasks" - grpc_server: host: dagster-code-PROJECT-ingest port: 4000 location_name: "PROJECT-ingest"
- manually add configs
- workspace-{project} - dagster from:dagster/implnets/deployment/dagster.yaml
- add configs to S3/Minio.
- scheduler/configs/gleanerconfig.yml - scheduler/configs/nabuconfig.yml - scheduler/configs/tenant.yml
- create a dagster stack,
- gtibub repo: - branch: dev - compose files: dagster/implnets/deployment/compose_project.yaml
create ingest stack, Name of the project is: eco
so workspace might look like, if your project is test- gtibub repo: - branch: dev - compose files: dagster/implnets/deployment/compose_project_ingest.yaml
load_from: # module starting out with the definitions api # - python_module: "workflows.tasks.tasks" - grpc_server: host: dagster-code-test-tasks port: 4000 location_name: "test-tasks" - grpc_server: host: dagster-code-test-ingest port: 4000 location_name: "test-ingest"
if dev, create a second stack CHANGE THE NAME OF THE PROJECT to test for the env variables
so workspace might look like:- gtibub repo: - branch: dev - compose files: dagster/implnets/deployment/compose_project_ingest.yaml
load_from: # module starting out with the definitions api # - python_module: "workflows.tasks.tasks" - grpc_server: host: dagster-code-eco-tasks port: 4000 location_name: "eco-tasks" - grpc_server: host: dagster-code-eco-ingest port: 4000 location_name: "eco-ingest - grpc_server: host: dagster-code-test-tasks port: 4000 location_name: "test-tasks" - grpc_server: host: dagster-code-test-ingest port: 4000 location_name: "test-ingest